Какова история этого здания; The underground caves were used both for living, as stables, and for wine making. We know they were in use during Byzantine times, and the history of wine making in the region goes back thousands of years. The stone houses built on top of the caves date from about 1650 and have been added to and modified by every generation that lived in them. The property is situated in the former Christian district of the town, and was inhabited by Christians up to 1924.
В какую эпоху и/или в соответствии с каким архитектурным стилем было построено здание; The cave rooms retain many original features. The stone rooms have either traditional arches or Ottoman style wooden ceilings.
Окружено ли здание другими историческими зданиями? Cave Konak Hotel is situated in the center or Urgup, in the former Christian district. It is interesting to walk the streets to see the old traditional houses and to visit Wish Hill which overlooks the town with its tombs.
Были ли проведены реставрационные работы; 2010 and 2015
Получило ли здание какое-либо свидетельство о своем историческом статусе? Cave Konak Hotel is a Special Class Hotel, a classification Given by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism to affirm the property's historical and cultural connections.
Описали бы вы здание своего места пребывания (или оно когда-либо существовало) как:
A collection of historical houses
Есть ли что-нибудь, что вы хотели бы подчеркнуть, добавить или уточнить? An historical hotel that is centrally located having a panoramic roof terrace with views over the local rock castle and ancient dwellings.
Какова история этого здания; Located along the shores of Dubai’s iconic Creek the Al Seef development is an exciting new cultural tourism space that merges the city’s past with its present.
GAJ were responsible for the design of the overall master plan, along with the design and construction supervision of the eastern section (phases 2 and 3) which follows a more traditional heritage style.
For this unique project it was essential that we first appreciated the extent and requirement of preserving and showcasing traditional Emirati architecture and local trades. The challenge was to design the buildings as if they had always been there withstanding the test of time through aging techniques and carefully calculated degradation percentages. Water marks, caulking and bulges in the edges all contribute to achieve this, as well as specifically chosen materials and finishes unique to local conditions of the time.
The eastern section includes a number of heritage style cluster buildings with the intention of recreating the memory of old Dubai along the banks of the Dubai Creek and extending the existing historical district of Bastakiya.
This started with the masterplan which was to act as the guiding principle of the development to ensure a cohesive vernacular architecture based on local heritage building principles and construction materials, reflecting local traditions as well as the environmental, cultural and historical context. Each house or building within the project has a story of its own. Some buildings are designed to look as if they were built in 1960s with darker walls, less lighting and simple decorative elements, while others have lighter walls with much more intricate details and embellishments on the façade which indicates that they were built at a later stage when trade was good and businesses were doing well. The colours used for the buildings were based on traditional Dubai sandstone. Attention to detail was crucial for this project and the team spent many hours researching the era visiting museums and old souqs as well as trawling through old news stories and photographs for inspiration to ensure that the finished product was as authentic as possible. It was important to ensure that elements, such as cornices, ironmongery and wooden doors, were as close to the original as practicable. Chandals, pergolas and barasti, which have been used in Emirati architecture for many years, have been cleverly incorporated as shading or screening to hide modern equipment and many of the fixtures are reclaimed items.
The result is a beautifully transformed area that brings to life an important era in Dubai’s fascinating history providing an authentic heritage experience and a stunning leisure, retail and dining location.
В какую эпоху и/или в соответствии с каким архитектурным стилем было построено здание; 1. Information about some of the building materials used a. All doors and windows are made from Dabema African Teak b. Handmade wrought iron ironmongery was used where possible c. Traditional palm tree materials were used for Barasti d. Coloured rendered plaster was used for the walls with various tints and finishing techniques. e. Light fittings where made from brass where possible and authentically aged
2. Did the interiors mimic the same appropriation of the past or were they designed in a more modern sense a. All front of house areas and FF and E were designed with same heritage intent, from the hand wash basins to the four poster beds in the hotel rooms. b. All buildings and public areas have also been decorated with heritage props to add to the authenticity of the space, from old photographs to enamel cookware and traditional Emirati fabrics and ornaments.
Окружено ли здание другими историческими зданиями? Yes it is nearby the Al Fahidi district
Были ли проведены реставрационные работы; none
Есть ли в здании элементы особой исторической значимости? - The hotel design draws deeply on the UAE’s rich culture and heritage - It has been built using traditional Middle Eastern building techniques, for example – the walls are designed to keep the heat out during the summer season, allowing air in at ground level to then flow through the wind towers right at the top. - The hotel rooms have three colour schemes inspired from the light blue sea waters in the Creek, the soothing beige from the desert sands and soft green tones from the country’s flora interspersed with colourful flashes of reds, turquoises and yellows - The room’s interiors reflect an age of pearl diving trading and Emirati crafts, with a colour palette borrowed from the UAE’s natural environment - Middle Eastern woven fabrics (Sadu), wooden beams, lamps and rustic ceilings with fans, and rough plastered walls complete the authentic look of the rooms - Large windows with traditional wooden panels offer views down onto the winding outdoor corridors of the ground floor souk and the waters of the creek, alongside the characteristic Barjeel wind towers
Стоит ли упомянуть каких-либо важных гостей или предыдущих владельцев? Jessica Alba, Zac Efron, Yasmine Sabri, Stephane Rolland, Sharuh Khan and many more stayed at the hotel.
Происходили ли в прошлом на территории отеля какие-либо значимые события? Many filming scenes were shoot in the area.
Получило ли здание какое-либо свидетельство о своем историческом статусе? It is not historical, it is a representation of the past buildings.
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Какова история этого здания; It is a family mansion built in the Old City of Istanbul, just meters away from the Hippodrome of Constantinople and neighbouring the Ibrahim Pasha Palace from the 16th century. The building had been used as a family house until 1991 Which is the year when it has been renovated and started to be used as a hotel.
В какую эпоху и/или в соответствии с каким архитектурным стилем было построено здание; Early 20th century building, late period of Ottoman architectural style.
Окружено ли здание другими историческими зданиями? The property, located in a quiet street, is right across from the Blue Mosque and at a few minutes walk from important historical sights such as Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace and Grand Bazaar.
Были ли проведены реставрационные работы; The restoration has taken place in 1991. The original facade was kept unharmed.
Стоит ли упомянуть каких-либо важных гостей или предыдущих владельцев? Throughout its past the hotel has often been chosen by people from the world of art and culture. Some of the long staying guests were Francis Ford Coppola (film director), Ralph Fiennes (actor), Jean Baudrillard (sociologist), Robert D. Kaplan (writer), Reza Deghati (photojournalist).
Получило ли здание какое-либо свидетельство о своем историческом статусе? A grade 2 listed building. It has a local certificate as 2nd degree historical building.
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Есть ли что-нибудь, что вы хотели бы подчеркнуть, добавить или уточнить? Our hotel was named after the gorgeous building across the street which used to be the palace of Ibrahim Pasha. He was the Grand vizier of Sultan Suleyman who was also honored as “the Magnificent”. This palace is now in use as The Museum of Turkish and Islamic arts.
Какова история этого здания; The century old hotel is located just inside the Jaffa Gate, which is the main entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem
В какую эпоху и/или в соответствии с каким архитектурным стилем было построено здание; Unique architectural style inside the Old City.
Окружено ли здание другими историческими зданиями? The hotel is situated within minutes walk from all the Holy Shrines.
Были ли проведены реставрационные работы; Restoration took place in the year 2017
Есть ли в здании элементы особой исторической значимости? It is important to note that the ceilings are of 5 meters of height
Стоит ли упомянуть каких-либо важных гостей или предыдущих владельцев? The Emperor Gaiser Wilhem German Emperor held his meetings during his visit to the Old City of Jerusalem.
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Есть ли что-нибудь, что вы хотели бы подчеркнуть, добавить или уточнить? Being located inside the Walls of Jerusalem, General Allenby, 1918, and many other Prime ministers and VIP personalities visited the hotel, because of the panoramic view overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem.
Исторический отельКраткое содержание отзывов, относящихся к категории «Исторические»Setai Tel Aviv, входящий в ассоциацию The Leading Hotels of the World, предлагает восхитительное сочетание истории и роскоши. Этот потрясающий отель расположен в отреставрированном здании времен Османской империи, которое когда-то было крепостью крестоносцев и даже старой тюрьмой, а теперь тщательно преобразовано в роскошный отель. Архитектурный дизайн мастерски сочетает в себе древние элементы с современным комфортом, демонстрируя оригинальную кирпичную кладку и историческую архитектуру таким образом, что ощущается как свежесть, так и уважение к прошлому.
Расположение отеля в очаровательном арабском районе Старой Яффы добавляет ему исторического очарования. Гости могут наслаждаться прекрасным расположением на пляже в Яффо, где отель представляет собой гармоничное сочетание старины и современной роскоши. Богатые исторические останки сооружения были любовно восстановлены, создавая путешествие во времени с каждым шагом, сделанным внутри отеля. Исследуя ли исторические места или восхищаясь очаровательным декором, посетители могут рассчитывать на увлекательный отдых, отмеченный характером и очарованием здания.
Setai Tel Aviv — это не просто место для проживания, а исторический памятник, идеальное сочетание современных удобств и исторической значимости. Несмотря на некоторый шум от продолжающихся ремонтных работ, очарование отеля остается неизменным, предлагая сказочное пребывание в месте, полном истории. Показать больше
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Описали бы вы здание своего места пребывания (или оно когда-либо существовало) как:
Есть ли что-нибудь, что вы хотели бы подчеркнуть, добавить или уточнить? Artefes Hotel Istanbul, located at downtown Sultanahmet, it is in minutes of distance to Grand Bazaar,Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace.
Величественный дворец турецкого султана времен Оттоманской империи, который стал одним из лучших отелей Стамбула. Неподражаемый архитектурный ансамбль напоминает о великом прошлом, образец роскоши и комфорта, который находится прямо на Босфоре, вблизи знаменитого района Бешикташ.
Исторический отельКраткое содержание отзывов, относящихся к категории «Исторические»Отель Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul — это великолепный дворец, который перенесет вас во времена Османской империи. Отель расположен на берегу Босфора, рядом с исторической достопримечательностью — дворцом Чыраган. Само здание впечатляет красивой мраморной облицовкой и роскошной атмосферой, пропитанной историей. Расположение отличное, а рядом с Османским дворцом есть прекрасное кафе для курящих. Персонал приятный и поможет с любыми просьбами, в том числе с посещением близлежащего дворца Чыраган. В целом, это как дворец, великолепный исторический объект, который должен быть в списке желаний любого путешественника. Показать больше
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